The Hive

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Tactics for Limiting the Impact of Inflation

Tactics for Limiting the Impact of Inflation

Inflation has been one of the main concerns that has arisen over the last year as we collectively attempt to resume our lives following the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. There are daily reminders that consumer prices are rising, which appears to be the result of a confluence of factors, including: increased demand for goods and services following the shutdowns of 2020, supply shocks caused by a reduced labor force, and public policy making it cheaper to borrow money. Even with prices rising, there are ways you can limit inflation’s effect.

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Honeygo Financial is a registered investment advisory firm offering services in Maryland and in other jurisdictions where exempted.  All written content is for informational purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of the firm, unless otherwise specifically cited.  Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources and no representations are made as to its accuracy or completeness.  Tax strategies discussed herein should be reviewed by a tax professional.